Friday, June 26, 2009

Holidays :)

I've been waiting for them since the first week of school. Sad, hey.....

So, there's this thing. Tonight I'm heading off to a bon fire with some of my friends. Sounds fun, right? Or not. I'm worried for my safety. lol. Such items as sparkler bombs, air horns and permanent markers are being being brought along, therefore I thinks it's safe for me to be like this. I have the feeling that 3 years worth of jokes are about to be put back on me all in one night :S
I'll upload some photos with my next post :D

Report cards are posted home on Monday :O
I'm screwed :P

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My blog-ginity

Finally, it has been popped. After a year of contemplating the idea, I finally decided to start one. I deserve some major karma points for entertaining people free of charge...just kidding.

So....just to clear people up on some things - yes, I use wikipedia for everything. I try to avoid it for schoolwork, but I have this strange habit of typing random things (and people) into wiki. For the lols.

Yeah, I really have no life.

Not much else is really happening. The joys of a small town. I got some results back...failed my English oral (lol) and Legal studies. I spent to much time trying to come up with examples in my legal test that included my friend Shan somehow and sucked on the rest of it. Lol.

Kinda boring...if anyone wants to know about epididymis, wiki it. A friend saw it on Rove the other night, and we spent 20 minutes in Prevoc Maths looking for the meaning. Shows where our commitments are: Rove before math...too right. Anyway, we found out the meaning and now own the word.

So that's to work tomorrow. Oh joy.
